07875 248133
the stilton cheese classic vehicle run
Enter for the drive for the company now
The Route
In recent years the run has begun in Uppingham, a market town in Rutland that was on the original delivery route. We now also suggest slight detours along the Welland Valley either to Barrowden and Wakerley Woods or a slightly longer run to Rockingham near Corby before rejoining the original route at Harringworth. If you have the time you could even enjoy both detours.
The direct route from Uppingham to Stilton along with the two alternative routes can be viewed below. To view these routes full screen, simply press play and then the full screen icon in the top right hand corner (next to the menu).
Alternatively you can view all three routes on the same map by clicking here, where you can switch between the different route directions as well turning routes on/off using the key below the map.
the route
Directions are available as a downloadable pdf here.
They can also be accessed through the online maps by hovering the mouse over the menu icon in the top right hand corner and selecting directions. Step by step directions will then appear in a column down the left hand side of the map with the option to print.
Please note, if relying on the directions downloaded through the plotaroute online maps, these directions have not been uploaded or checked by the event organisers.
the route
On The Day
Please note that if any major changes are made, these will be communicated to all booked entrants beforehand. Otherwise the general plan is as follows:
9.00am – 11.30am
Arrive at The Falcon Inn at Uppingham to register, pay the fee if not done in advance and receive your certificate. East Street and the Market Square will be closed off to allow parking for the classic vehicles. Refreshments, including bacon sandwiches from The Falcon, are available during the morning throughout the town along with other activities (Toilets are available).
leave and follow the suggestes route in your own time and pace
You can, if you wish, take your own route! Details of the suggested routes can be found further down the page. Admire the magnificent views of the Seaton/Harringworth Railway Viaduct from the Welland Valley. Call in for a snack, or have a picnic, and relax at New Lodge Farm Shop in Bulwick where Simon and Sarah often lay on a Hog Roast (Toilets are available). Continue along the rest of the route and enjoy the remaining Towns, Villages, Places of Historic Interest including WW2 airfields and of course, the Scenery.
5.30pm latest
Arrive at The Bell in Stilton (PE7 3RA) and enjoy the refreshments supplied or meals that are available throughout the day. Stilton Cheese will also be on sale here.
Before filling out an entry form please carefully read the rules and regulations which are also available as a downloadable pdf by clicking here.
When filling out the entry form you will be asked to confirm that you have read these rules and regulations and agree to be bound by them.
Entry Form
To enter and take part in the next Stilton Cheese Classic Vehicle Run please fill out our entry form and pay the appropriate fee as outlined below.
The entry fee is £15.00 per vehicle which can be paid via our booking platform by clicking on the button below
Entries open on January 2ND
Entries open on January 2ND
If you are having trouble paying, contact us and we can try and help. Alternatively we can arrange for payment to be taken on the day (an additional fee of £2 will apply).
the entry fee helps to cover expenses incurred in running the event and also allows for a portion to be donated charities
Entry Number
Your entry number will be emailed to you in a printable format once payment has been received. If arrangements have been made to pay on the day, please do so when registering upon arrival and collect your entry number.
When registering you will also receive your certificate of participation for the event.
If you have any questions, would like to check availability or run into any problems with your payment please contact using the following details: